About the Journal

Aim. Jurisprudence aims to initiate scientific dialog between legal professionals and academics of Eastern and Central Europe in order to consider the main challenges their legal systems are facing in the transition period towards Western legal order. The emphasis is put on the reception of modern legal thought, Western legal tradition and the implementation of European Union law.
Format of publication. Jurisprudence publishes original scholarly articles in various fields of law: Legal philosophy and theory, Comparative law, Legal history, Constitutional law, Private international law and public international law, European Union law, Civil law (Intellectual property law, Family law, etc.), Civil procedure law, Administrative law, Administrative procedure law, Environmental law, Criminal law, Criminal procedure law, Business law, Labour law, Finance law, Banking, corporate and tax law, Biolaw, Criminology, Criminal investigation, Legal informatics and etc.
Periodicity. Articles are published in Lithuanian, 2 volumes are published per year.
Peer review. Submitted articles are reviewed by applying the double-blind method (the identities of the author(s) and reviewers are kept unknown). Each article is appointed at least two referees (scientists with a degree in the relevant field).
Indexation. The academic journal Jurisprudence is included in the EBSCO Publishing, Inc., C.E.E.O.L., DOAJ international databases.
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