
Juozas Tartilas


The article analyses the specifics of Labour Code ensuring the guarantees of the staff working conditions. The democratic provisions, giving a more prominent role to the collective contracts, Labour Councils, are stressed while tackling this problem.
A short overview is given on the specifics of limited term employment contracts, the procedure of giving leave of absence, and overtime work.
An issue of stress at work is raised as a negative factor in the work environment, which is not  mentioned in the new Labour Code. To solve the problems of guarantees in the work is not news in theEuropean Union countries, the analysis of the same problem, however, is strangely treated in Lithuania, where the issue of stress at work has been overlooked so far. The generalized data on the harm of stress at work are presented from the experience of the European Union. At the same time it is recommended to plan preventive measures by laws or secondary laws to reduce or avoid the negative factor in the work environment.
After Lithuania will have joined the European Union, the issue of the stress at work will have to be evaluated not only scientifically and practically, but legally as well.
From the scientific-practical perspective, stress was first investigated in Lithuania in 1994 at the Scientific Research Department of Labour Medicine Center at the Institute of Hygiene. About 2,700 representatives of different professions participated in the research. The object of the research were stress - related factors, stress effect on the heart, and other functions of the organism, and their influence to work efficiency. It became clear that 61 per cent of police officers, especially women, suffer from stress. It has been proved that stress reduces work efficiency.
Legally it is imperative, that the legislators would legitimate the preventive measures against stress at work.

