
Rūta Brūzgienė


Juridical rhetoric is an interdisciplinary discipline, that appeals on practical methodological achievements of communication, psycholinguistics, hermeneutics, semiotics and of other disciplines. The researched problem of the article is the application of modern comparativistic methodologies in some particular types of juridical discourse. The aim of this research is to enrich the expression of juridical rhetoric discourse with the aspects of form and intonation dynamics, as well as to consolidate the communicational efficiency. The methods that will be used to carry out the research – comparativistic, hermeneutic, functional analysis, which allows us to compare the characteristics of rhetorical discourse with the other time-arts in functional and semantic aspects. Problem research degree – the discourses of juridical rhetoric, the typologies of interaction and some form aspects have not been researched yet neither in Lithuania nor in the global scientific thought. The issues that the article is dealing with are topical to the public juridical discourse not only in theoretical, but also in practical aspects, because the intonation and dynamical suggestibility is an essential task in order to consolidate the communicational effect of some certain juridical communication types.
The article names the theories of process communication that are more topical to the juridical rhetoric and discusses the model of Jacobson in more detail. In this part the intonationexpressional speech effect to the addressee – is being considered, where the addressee is overbearing in informationalappellate (defensive and accusatory) speeches. One can conclude that the intention of the speaker, to be precise, his valueposition is the bases of structuring of composition in the dis- course. Further on, the rhetoric is being analyzed as one of the time discourse types in the typology of intermediate comparativistics, which characterizes the interactions of verbal text, music or film. We come to the conclusion that the connections of juridical rhetoric with music that is relevant to it, manifest as structures of narration, as principles of time-arts general processes – variational, repetition, free development, as the melodics of speech intonation and as the analogues of compositional structures. Further on in the article the universality of form conception in the time discourses is being characterized.
By appealing on the method of functional analysis, its logical semantic dialectics and some modern form conceptions are being discussed. The attention is also being given to the musical analogues of verbal discourse of thematic conception. The classification of expressional-dramaturgic topic elements, the dynamical profiles and the rhythmic features of text are being recalled. At the end of the writing the following is being concluded: 1. The application of modern comparativistic aspects in juridical rhetoric would resume and enrich its theoretical and methodological bases.
2. In the aspect of intermedial typology, the analysis of rhetoric allows us to perceive its connections with the other time discourses and reveals new investigation perspectives.
3. The public discourse effect to the addressee is being especially consolidated by the announcer‘s intention, by the dynamical form of structured speech.
4. The form conception appeals on the universal time discourse development and general logical, as well as compositional regularities that are given in the purest shape in the music art, which is especially close to rhetoric.
5. Juridical rhetoric has closer connection to the classical form and general traditional thematic developing regularities, but not to the new form tendencies of modernism epoch development.
6. Musicological principle of functional analysis can be helpful in developing expressional-dramaturgic structure of public speech, in understanding the form outline, rhythm and the dynamic profile, as well as it can strengthen its emotional suggestibility.

