
Basia Nikiforova


Religious pluralism is an important part of European politic, juridical and cultural life. Religious pluralism means the diversity of religious movements within a particular geographical area, and the theory that there are more than one or more than two kinds of ultimate reality and/or truth; and that therefore more than one religion can be said to have the truth, even if their essential doctrines are mutually exclusive. Religious pluralism analysed in the context of such tendencies as the multicultural and multi-religious communities as result of mass migration, the creation of the global network of the new-est technologies and communications, the ethnic and religious conflicts.
This article is devoted to the problem of religious freedom and Church - State relations in situation of religious pluralism and gave examples of its most famous model. The short case study is only an attempt to describe the development of Church-State legislation in Lithuania. In the article were noted two tendencies in the process of religious pluralism: differentiation and dedifferentiation. Forms and spheres of display of the first tendency are the following: disintegration of totalitarian empires and a reconstruction of the homogenous states; intensification of ethnic, national and confessional borders, amplification of religious fundamentalism as attempts to strengthen ethnically and religious traditional way of life. The second tendency include the wish «to rethink Europe», creation of the overstates formations ignoring "old" borders on the economic, political and cultural levels, rapprochement of identities and opportunities of their free choice on the basis of ignoring former borders and criteria, occurrence of the interethnic, transnational religious organizations ignoring the state and national borders and the tendencies of ecumenism.
In the article analyzed the reasons and features of "new" religious pluralism, its local perception in the countries of the European Union. The author described such features of "new" religious pluralism as his national - ethnic character, a new dominating model of mutual relations of national ethnic and religious minority with a society of the majority, the tolerant relation practically to each traditional belief or a religious innovation of ethnic minority. The author will examines such basic functions of religion as « an obstacle or alternative », "niche", "camouflage", which are attributed to religious pluralism in conditions of global processes.

