
Mariusz Stračinskij


Protection, search and ability to use computer based information for a long period of time are one of the major problems in our days and therefore it has a direct impact for the investigations of computer related crimes. Investigators, in their anti-criminal work, are looking for information about the really occurred facts, events, processes and human intellectual results which most often are recorded in documents. Emergence and fast spreading of computer based information influence the work of investigators as well. They face a new phenomenon of computer related crimes and electronic recordsdocuments that contain trace-evidence and therefore this changes routine work methods and practice of crime investigation.
The article, making a reference to a conception of computer-related crime, special knowledge and trace-evidence of crime, discusses the conception problem of formation of traceevidence in computer-related crimes. Problems of empiric nature are analyzed because of different approaches to the treatment of the results in these kinds of investigations. While analysing the literature of foreign and Lithuanian authors as well as the existing global and local problems, some solutions for these issues are presented in the article. The concept of traces formation mechanism in computer crimes presented by some scholars has been also evaluated by the author of this article. Main factors affecting formation of trace-evidence in computer-related crimes has been analyzed trying to find an essential link with reflection processes which are well known in forensics.
Major factors that do influence to the formation of traceevidence in computer crimes – qualitative peculiarities of computer based information, characteristics and specifics of IT hardware and software employed by the information object, form of computer based information; impact done by the criminal subject to the processing, transmission and storage of computer based information; interim information handling form and its storage place.

