
Andrejus Novikovas


The object of the article is to analyze the possibilities of municipalities to apply social technologies for safeguard the safety of local inhabitants. There are three tasks that formulating for succeed the object: to analyze the laws that permit municipalities to safeguard the safety of local inhabitants; to evaluate social technologies that municipalities apply or will apply for safeguard the safety of local inhabitants; to identify the problems of municipalities activities to safeguard the safety of local inhabitants.
The author analyses laws and makes a conclusion that the most rules (in Local government laws) declare duties of municipalities and their institutions to create the safety environment for local people in the first chapter of article. The author indicates social technologies that municipalities apply or will apply for safeguard the safety of local inhabitants in the next chapter. The main of them are: to legislate rules and to make decisions; to create and to implement the programs and the projects about the safety of local inhabitants; to establish the subdivision inside the municipal administrative which will be responsible for solving safety problems of local people; to create the services that could take over some police functions. The problems that determine the social technologies implementation process are analysed in third part of article. There are some problems that could be solved: to eliminate the situation, when a few rules duplicate each other; to increase the level of the trust between the partners that participate in common activities for creating the safety projects and programs; to increase the level of municipalities initiative and responsibility for creating the safety environment for local people.

