
Ingrida Bartkutė


Many reforms implemented in the public sector are called New Public Management (NPM), and treated as metacatalogue of principles, which concretize abstract political aims and are effective in governance and management of the public sector. The main ideas of the NPM are to apply the same principles taken from the private sector, put stress on economical assumptions in services, the responsibility for clients, citizens, the decentralization of decision-making, and the involvement of society. All these principles according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) could be described as the New Public Management paradigm.
According to the reviewed articles, issues on management main principles could be distinguished according to which the universities in Europe are reformed.
Universities are moving from centralised institutions of higher education practice to managerial. They are less regulated by the state and their financial, juridical, academic autonomy and social accountability to society are implemented through social councils, partnership of business and research increases. State keeps its influence on institutions of higher education practice through contracts followed by quantitative measured indicators of outputs.
The new system of governance strengthens the orientation of universities to practical need of society, commercialisation of the results of studies and research, social accountability and competitive ability. The conceptions of an entrepreneurial university, the attitude to education as consumption goods are being formed. The principles of decentralisation, contracts with enterprises and other institutions are developed.
Higher education in Europe has been undergoing some reforms. The article tried to reveal that institutions of higher education in Europe fragmentally use new public management principles as decentralization, financial diversification, changed requirements to human resources, quality assurance and evaluation. Universities are establishing entrepreneurial structures, trying to change the attitude to studies and science as a product of market. In the improvement of governance and management in the institutions of higher education there are considerations of different values and objectives incompatible with New Public Management concerning cultural fluctuations of the academic community. A model, which could be applicable to every country under all conditions, hardly exists. The institutions of higher education in Lithuania consider the possibilities of the adaptation of worked-out models of governance and management, strategies and values.

