
Sergej Boriko


Criminality in Belarus increased by 24,4 % during last five years. The number of serious crimes increased three times as much. Disclosing of crimes accounted 73,8 % in 1993 and 55,7 % in 1997. The number of economic crimes, violent crimes and group crimes also increased.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus created such institutions as Committee of Struggle Against Organized Crime and Corruption, Committee of Investigations, the Department of Struggle Against Illegal Circulation of Drugs in order to activate fight against criminality. State Committee of Financial Investigations was founded in February 1992. There were also adopted new laws: The Law on Militia, The Law on Activities of Criminal Investigation Department, The Law on the Bar, The Law on Judicial System, The Law on Status of Judges. Work on Draft Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code is coming to an end.
Life imprisonment, arrest and new corpus delictaes such as forming of criminal organization, legalisation of criminal incomes, compulsion to conclude contract were included in the codes.
The disposition of criminal prosecution changed as well. The number of cases of private prosecution increased to 14, private-public prosecution – to 17, accelerated prosecution – to 37 cases. Measures to ensure the safety of participants of criminal trial, confidence of information about a person on trial, anonymous investigation, close court sittings, emancipation from appearance in court, prohibition to divulge information, caution, home arrest were also new to our judicial system.
That is why we can say that a legal base to the system of law and order bodies of Belarus are formed corresponding to international standards. It promotes the effectiveness of struggle against criminality, the defence of legal rights and interests of participants of criminal trial.

