
Armanas Abramavičius


The article addresses a range of problems relating to qualifying crimes against economic and financial management. The analysis of the said issues starts with a brief overview of the development of Lithuania’ s legislation regulating criminal responsibility for crimes against economic and financial management, as well as preconditions for adopting currently existing laws. Further, the article deals with specific aspects of the qualification of crimes against economic and financial management such as separation of crimes from administrative offences, disclosing the content of qualifying characteristics, blanket nature of norms, etc.
The author maintains that one of the main reasons leading to problems of qualification is the absence in certain cases of a clear-cut content of legal provisions. While working out the norms of criminal law, the legislator sometimes take no regard of the existing legal provisions in Administrative Law. In addition, there are no well-formulated and clear criminalisation and decriminalisation criteria of the activities qualified as crimes against economic and financial management.

