
Viktor Sushchenko


The educational process in the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is carried out in accordance with curriculum of staff training for educational – qualifying levels “master” with the speciality “Law enforcement management” and “specialist” and “master” with the speciality “Jurisprudence”.
The curriculum envisages multilevel continuous system of education and provides fundamental theoretical and practical multiprofile training of specialists, who will be able, when fast promoting, assimilate new peculiarities of their professional activity in a short period of time.
Emphasis on practical education and introduction of elements of rating system allowed organizing systematic current control of knowledge on the humanities, general professional and special disciplines.
Graduating departments prepared and introduced programmes of practical training of students planned practice with compulsory drawing of students to the measures on maintaining of public order, preventing offences, disclosing crimes, conducting some investigation activity, making criminology examinations.
The out-of-town training grounds take an important place in the organization of practical education. Their students master by practice tactical ways and methods of their activity, in particular, in extreme conditions. Studies in training district department of internal affairs also present itself in a good light.
Dynamism of law enforcement activity, new requirements in the field of crime fighting, strengthening of law and order and foreign experience are taken into consideration in organization of educational process.

