
Gintautas Danišauskas


Nowadays the concept of law is the object of scientific discussions. On the one hand it might pursue legal aspect, on the other hand it will not be called legal service.
Because of the existence of differences in the interpretation of the concept of law we will try to reveal its legal content in application to the police functions of enforcing public order and disclosing its influence on the human rights.
The present analysis will deal with the concept of law as the unity of rights and duties. Apart from articles by A. Vaišvila we do not have research where police functions are looked upon from the point of services. Normative acts mostly deal with a lawyer’s legal aid or police social aid to people. They do not reveal the connection of this aid with law yet. This connection is not disclosed in European Police Charter even if it speaks about police services. Following the concept of law we are able to draw a conclusion that services make the content of human duties. It is important to find them in the law as the unity of rights and duties.
In this article we will try to consider the inner relation of law services following the content of the concept of law disclosed. Furthermore we will try to consider the content of police functions in respect with the human rights.

