
Aurelijus Gutauskas


The purpose of this article is to analyse the criminological sympthoms and conception of contemporary organised crime. The different minds of scientists and the practise from different countries about the formula and sympthoms of this phenomenon are presented as well. It is an attempt to present the legal definition of organised crime which could be included into Penal Code of Lithuania. Although the purpose of this article is to show scientific and practical meaning of the definition of the organised crime. It is necessary to fight with this phenomenon and at first we must set the essence of this phenomenon and review it in concrete conception because only according to the law it is possible to fulfil the criminalization policy of all structures of organised crime and especially the highest level of it. It is proposed to define the organised crime as one of the comlicity forms as to show not only the main but also the additional sympthoms of such an activity, to give more freedom to lawyers to estimate if it is an organised crime or not, to formulate the definitions of organised crime in several levels or to choose the criterion of the level of the group of organised crime.

