
Vigintas Višinskis


Currently existing problems in the system of execution of court judgements are not merely legal problems and they cannot be solved by purely legal means. They are closely related to the existing political, social and, first of all, economic situation in the country. Even perfectly legally regulated process of execution will hot help in recovery of the awardedsum in case a debtor possesses no assets. It is undoubtable, however, that proper regulation of the execution process exercises a huge influence on the efficiency of the entire system of execution of court judgements.
The remaining unreformed institute of coercive execution of judgements does not satisfy the increasing social needs. Recently, more attention is observed to be paid to the improvement of legal base of judgement execution.
The recovery from natural persons makes up the biggest part of the cases under execution. The problems of execution in this category of cases are related to the delivery of encouragments to execute a judgement voluntarily, distraint, assessment of assets, recovery from salary and some other issues need to be solved urgently.
This article addresses only some of the problems related to recovery from natural prisons. Some of the raised issues arise when the recovery is executed both from natural and legal entities. Nevertheless, the author believes that the expressed ideas will be useful in the development of execution process.

