
Vytautas Sinkevičius


One of the conditions of naturalization is a requirement to live in Lithuania permanently. The requirement to have a permanent residential place in Lithuania during the last ten years determined in the Law on Citizenship is based on the provision that permanent living in Lithuania during the time determined by the Law is a precondition for a foreigner to integrate himself into the Lithuanian society, to perceive mentality of the people and their aspirations, to make oneself ready for assuming the responsibility for the state's present and future, to enter into effective factual relations with the Lithuanian state. In the article legal norms determining the requirement to live in Lithuania permanently as well as the content of the above requirement are dealt with and the shortcomings of legal regulation of residential qualification are revealed. It is underlined that the main prerequisite of ¥The Law on the Persons Permanently Living or Living in the Republic of Lithuania“ having to confirm that a person lives in Lithuania permanently, i. e. his factual living in Lithuania for a certain time is consolidated not clearly enough. It is maintained that the legal regulation of residential qualification determined in the Law forms preconditions to consider a foreigner as permanently living even in cases when he, though satisfies the formal legal prerequisites determined in the Law, however, in fact lives not in Lithuania but in another state. In the article suggestions are presented how to amend and supplement the Law so that legal description of permanent living in Lithuania would better correspond to the purpose and essence of residential qualification.

