
Alfonsas Laurinavičius


The article deals with the policing concept in democracy. What are the police organizations and officers in democratic society: crime fighters or social service workers? This is an important role debate because it influences strategies that police use, the priority given to police tasks, the type of personnel selection, and how officers are trained. Police organizations and officers who consider their role to be primarily that of crime fighters tend to be conservative ideologically. This ideology is based on the assumption that crime is the result of a rational choice made by criminals and that the police must patrol, conduct investigations and make arrest in order to deter criminal behavior.
The officers – social service workers tend to have a broader view concerning the causes of crime and what is important. They believe that crime is a result of a number of factors. All aspects of police work are important.
In conslusion there is an analysis of police dutes (by research the practical activity situations) which have to be subject to debate in the level of theory and practice.

