
Juozas Lakis


The transition processes in post-soviet area show the lack of knowledge and experiences in conflict resolution, when the authorities, the organisations and individuals have to solve the controversial problems as well as conflicts of interests and values.
The first part of the article represents the scope of ideas and practices of conflict resolution and conciliation in international relations.
The actions of the Security Council of the UNO and some agreements of the European Conference for Security and Co-operation have been surveyed as having sense of peace-keeping, peace-making and peace-building.
In the process of European integration some political and legal mechanisms were approved with the mean to conciliate controversities between the members and candidates of the EU. Using them the European Community functions as a whole, and the process of joining new members is sequent and progressive.
The philosophy and experience of conflict resolution and conciliation is applicable in many cases of the states internal affairs.
In the next part of the article the author examines applications and development of conciliation procedures in social life of Lithuania. One of such examples is three parts roundtable between representatives of governmental bodies, employers and trade unions on issues of social politics, unemployment, payment etc. developing the rules and incentives for strengthening the culture of conflict resolution in social life serves the new democracy.
The next direction in which conciliation and conflict resolution has been used is third party participation in community and family conflicts. Several projects on mediation have been accomplished in Lithuania. They were aimed to train mediators and to educate individuals in what circumstances they may be served by mediators.
The author examines in which way peace-making procedures can be used in public administration. The Lithuanian laws regulate some principles of administrating to avoid or prevent disputes between the governmental bodies and the citizen and interest groups as well as (for example one-window rule in servicing the applicator).
Lithuania as other post-communist countries has to develop the culture of conflict resolution and conciliation to ensure social and communal stability.

