
Gintautas Danišauskas


The concept of legal service has already been discussed in research works of the Law University of Lithuania.  We understand the concept as an equivalent cultural exchange in society, when the number of services subjects use is equal to the number of services they render. A conclusion has been drawn that legal service, the structure of which comprises identical duties and obligations of subjects, eliminates prerequisites for social instability and discrepancies, and that due to legal service society reaches the state of justice and getting on. For this reason the development of relations based on legal services between the society and authorities is within the interests of society. But state institutions and the police can not act on their own. They must carry out its activities within legal framework. If laws consolidate cultural superiority of a certain subject, the services on this basis could not be called legal services. In order for relations between and institutions to develop on the basis of adequate mutual obligations it is necessary for these relations to be regulated by legal laws. Activities of the police are strictly based on the foundation of legality, therefore its functions and organizational reform may only be carried out on the basis of a legal act regulating this kind of activities. Until now the police has remained the only one unreformed institution of law enforcement. That’s why legal reform of the police needs a legal law. And although legal law is the basis of development of legal services, it is not enough for cultural exchange between subjects to take place in the way of legal service.
The author, having used various sources and those of A. Vaišvila in particular, has tried to perceive the importance of legal law to legal service of the police. He also tried to find out what else is necessary for relations of society and the police to develop in the practical framework of legal service, which guarantees human rights to the utmost.

