
Reda Jakučionytė


International Labour Organisation during a long time of its existence created and developed the supervising machinery for the observance of provisions of international labour standards, which is widely recognised as one of the most developed and effective systems of standards supervision in the multilateral system. It is based on the Constitution of the ILO and has been further developed through longstanding practice. Its different components interact and complement each other. The two main tracks – regular reporting system and special procedures. Regular reporting on ratified conventions is organised through periodic submission of information according to established rules and in settled report forms, the answers to the Direct requests of the Committee of Experts. Information from time to time is also provided on legislation and practice in the country on unratified conventions. On the basis of a resolution, adopted by the Eight Session of the international Labour Conference in 1926, the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and recommendations and the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards were given responsibility for regular supervision of the observance by Member States of observance of their standards–related obligations. They report to the International Labour Conference, where it is discussed. The report is published and circulated to governments. Governments’ attention is drawn to particular points raised by the Committee.
Special procedures are established for the examination of representations and complaints as to the observance of ratified conventions and as to the infringement of freedom of association. The tripartite Governing Body’s Committee on Freedom of Association (CFA) is the main institution dealing with the complaints alleging infringements of freedom of association of employers and workers.
The ILO is unique among world organisations with its tripartite principle –employers’ and workers’ representatives have an equal voice in shaping its policies and programmes. All issues of international labour standards creation, ratification, denunciation, implementation have to be consulted with the social partners.
Although, as it was mentioned above, the existing supervisory system is well functioning, from time to time adjustments are needed to insure that the system continues to provide for an effective tool to identify and address problems in the application of standards. Possible improvements in ILO standards supervisory system are under discussion at the latest Governing Body sessions. Among the reasons, which caused the need of such discussions is a big workload on the Committee of Experts and governments. The main future orientations – that the system should remain independent, objective, impartial and effective.

