
Virgilijus Valančius


The article aims to attract attention of the reader to the main features of the new Code of Civil Procedure of Lithuania, the most important novelties of the legal regulation, foreseen in the code, as well as to disclose the essence and to justify the necessity of those novelties in the procedural law of Lithuania.
The author points out the following important novelties of the new code: differentiation of the role of judge subject to the nature of a dispute, extension of the spectrum of sanctions for dishonest litigants, principle of co-operation between the judge and parties to the dispute in reaching the objectives of civil procedure, principles of procedural concentration, efficiency, expedition of a trial, reduction and differentiation of court fees, reformation of pre-trial stage, execution process and others. As the limited scope of the article restricts the possibility of the author to analyze all the features of the new code, the article mainly focuses on the objectives and principles of civil procedure, as well as the role of the judge during the trial, the balance between the activeness and impartiality of a judge.

