
Valentinas Mikelėnas


Just several years ago the comparative law was no more than a subject of research for a few researchers. Today it becomes the day-to-day instrument for the activity of theorists as well as practicing lawyers. Especially the role of comparative law grows during the codification or re-codification of law system or particular branches of law.
The studies of comparative law, as for example examination of civil procedure codes of different European countries, have played a big role while drafting the new Code of Civil Procedure of Lithuania. However today the civil procedure is not merely national phenomenon. International economical cooperation, the growth of number of civil cases with international element, induces to unify not only substantive law, but also the procedural law. Thus for the preparation of the new Code of Civil Procedure of Lithuania the achievements of harmonisation and unification of the procedural law were of the paramount importance.
Hence this article deals with the main achievements of international harmonisation and unification of the law of civil procedure as well as appliance of those achievements during the process of preparation of draft Code of Civil Procedure of Lithuania.

