
Julija Kiršienė


In the article there are analyzed the problem issues of realizations of shareholder’s property rights taking into consideration the novelties, brought in by new Lithuanian Civil Code. In the first part of the article there is disclosed the exeptional character of share as the object of property rights, answering the question is the share a thing. In the second part of article the changeability dimensions of property rights and the influnce of shareholder’s property rights’ structural changes, that are observed in the new Civil Code of Lithuania to determination and security of these rights are analyzed. The third part of the article is alloted for analysis of shareholder’s property rights structural changes in new Civil Code of Lithuania and there are observed two opposite tendencies: the rapprochment of shareholder and the company’s property and the diminution of shareholders’ role in managament of company. In the fourth part of article the two mentioned tendencies are grounded by the corelation of shareholder’s nature and the features of shareholder’s property rigts realization.

