
Liudvika Meškauskaitė


This article deals with the questions related to legal regulation of new information technologies (further - IT) in the modern society. Nowadays technical and technological priorities prevail in the Lithuania and questions of the protection of human rights and protection of juveniles from the dangerous influence are neglected. The author of the article analyzes three main directions of the regulation of new IT: protection of the juveniles from the dangerous influence in the new information situation; problems of protection of privacy and questions of protection of intellectual property. Experience of foreign countries is presented and the gaps of legal regulation of the Republic of Lithuania are analyzed. The author suggests to treat the information presented through the new IT as public information and legalize Internet as a tool media. The article bases on the need to improve legal basis in the line of protection juveniles from the influence of dangerous information. For the protection of the development of new IT’s from the influence of legal regulation antitrust laws need to be forbidden and means of protection of authors’ rights should be compatible with development of new IT, i. e., legal responsibility for violations of authors’ rights should be balanced between illegal distributors of computer programs and their users.

