
Gintautas Danišauskas


It has already been written in the Law University Research Works on the concept of legal aid and its impact on the rights of individuals. In this respect the concept of legal aid was presented. Legal aid means the activities of society members of their agencies for the purpose of giving assistance and support and with intention to make use and value of those activities. It was emphasized that legal aid leads culture consumers to compatible interrelations, which annul the reasons for mutual distrust and social conflicts because the source of any legal aid is the execution of the duty taken.
This article deals with one of state institutions police aid to the society. It seems that police carry out the tasks given by the society. Police disclose crimes and other offences. However human rights remain unprotected. The level of trust of this institution remains low.
In this respect the purpose of this article is to show that the best result in the mutual activities can be achieved when the relations of subjects are based on the concept of legal aid. The article also produces a possible model of the relations between police and society, which could make those relations closer to above-mentioned legal aid.

