
Darius Petrošius


The author’s chosen theme has not been examined in Lithuania yet. The employment to the job with the confidential information peculiarities are being examined in the article with the law, organizing psychological aspects. Summarizing it is possible to confirm that a person in the security process takes a special place, because he is the basic and the special source of the confidential process. That is why the employment of the employee to a work with confidential information is one of the most important moments. At the moment there are many problems in Lithuania with estimating the person’s suitability, it is being limited only with formal procedure that does not differ from the usual employment procedure. While estimating the person’s suitability for the place all the information about the person should be gathered, pointing out personal and business characteristics. The world practice shows that when employing to the job with the confidential information the complex estimating method is used. The combination of different methods provides much more information. While estimating the suitability of the person special attention should be paid to the psychological selection. That is why this is a must to prepare applied psychological estimating methods.

