
Alvydas Šakočius


The paper deals with the analysis of the personal safety system’ transformation in the quickly developed societal environment, which objectively causes reforms of the existing tradition-based institutional systems, obligated to maintain the public order.
The hypothesis about the interdependence of the changes both the internal structure of the society, which define the safety needs of inhabitants and the needs of them for certain forms of the officially obligated institutions is checked. Stratification of the society into the groups, which are provided with the different financial abilities, is discussed in context of different needs for the public police.
The paper include the following sentences:
Lack of trust in law enforcement agencies, especially in police, is identified by various surveys. Research of this proposition in Lithuania shows the existence of the stereotypic criterions in the process of the environment security assessments. Then, described tends to reform the police organization in accordance to modern requirements could be wrong. Or, special measures for the changing of public opinion have to be implemented. The phenomenon of the police (or policing) has to be newly discussed and new philosophy of the policing has to be disseminated among the society.
On the practical level the following recommendations are formulated:
Responsibility for the condition of the public safety has to be divided in equal parts among the State and Society. State has to stipulate the establishments of the communities for the maintenance of safe environment. Government has to delegate part of the obligations to the self-governments.

