
Antanas Janušauskas Viačeslavas Čigrinas


It is noticed that persons certain motions, actions and reactions of the organism are more successful in respect of the use of the weapons (shooting, hunting) comparing with the actions of a different kind. Bearing in mind the importance of learning of rational actions that might have influence to the results of shooting, we tried to define possible prognostic factors of aimed shooting. The goal of the test is to determine the influence of students physiological factors to shooting results.
220 students of Kaunas Police faculty participated in this reseach – 80 girls and 140 boys. We did 7 tests: balance, hand's grasp, teping tests, space and time understanding, speed of psychomotoric reaction, concentration of attention tests.
Statistics show that students who can concentrate their attention better, have better understanding of space, shoot better. Those who shoot worse have stronger hand's grasp.

