
Tomas Rymeikis


The article is aimed at analyzing issues related to the protection of monetary sources and securities of investors to be kept with stock brokerage firms of Lithuania. First part of the article gives general description of the situation with respect to the safety of funds also securities of the investors. Introductory part is followed by analysis of applicability of the respective provisions of the Civil Code in enhancing the level of protection for the funds of investors, the basic goal of which is to separate property of the stock brokerage firms from the property of their clients, i.e. investors. Further author investigates newly adopted laws which provide for the framework for the better protection of investors’ funds and securities, also makes conclusions and recommendations on the steps that need to be taken in order to ensure their proper implementation. And finally, the article explains what should be the role of the respective State institutions in supervising the securities’ market as well as the related activities.

