
Audrius Bakaveckas


In the article one of the most important principal structures of the executive authorities is discussed upon. Ministries performs control functions entrusted to them according to provisions of laws and other legal norms and implement the state policy in this sphere, also coordinate activities of other executive authorities in the said sphere. In comparison with other executive authorities, their peculiarity is the following: their heads are members of the Government. Taking into account the peculiarities of functions and powers, ministries are divided into branch and inter-branch control ministries.
A ministry is directed by the Minister whose status is exclusive in comparison with heads of other executive institutions: he (she) is the Head of the Ministry and simultaneously a member of the Government; in addition, a ministry is entitled to combine the mandate of a member of Seimas with the activities of a member of the Government and the Minister. It is a political office.
The procedure of organization of activities of secretaries of ministries, public officers of the range of the Minister’s political (personal) confidence (except of vice-ministers) and subdivisions of administration is unclear in administrative and legal aspects. No legal norm on a regulation of the number of the above-mentioned public officers and a formation of structures of administration exist. According to the Article 26 Part 3 paragraph 8 of the Law on Government, a minister is entitled to settle self-dependently organizational problems of governing structures and the powers of a ministry in this sphere are of a discrete character, so each ministry applies own “methods“ of establishing the number of secretaries of ministries and public officers of the range of the Minister’s political (personal) confidence (except of vice-ministers) as well as a formation of their departments and other subdivisions.
On an assessment of systems of ministries, it should be noted that many institutions controlled by the ministries operate in the spheres of their regulation. In the opinion of the author, systems of ministries, in the aspect of institutional composition, are most complicated, branched out and “overgrown“ with various institutions constituent parts of the structure of the system of executive authorities that implement governing, state regulation, control, accounting and supervision in the spheres of the competence entrusted to the ministries.

