
Gitana Jurgelaitienė


The article gives the overview of the implementation of crime prevention planning system in Lithuania since 1992 and identifies the problems that were posed while implementing the mentioned  system, general trends in the crime prevention policies in the period of 1992 up to 2003. One of the forms of prevention planning system there are programmes of crime prevention. Since 1992 there are adopted a lot of different kinds crime prevention programmes in Lithuania and it is necessary to answer: is it the progressive and effective for crime control and prevention, what works in policing for crime prevention. The article also includes an analysis of experience as well as suggestions for future improvement, analysis of criterions for efficiency crime prevention, problems, which closely connected with successful realization of crime prevention programmes.
The article also gives some of the common denominators which are the basis for a crime prevention strategy in the field are: a multidisciplinary approach; articulation of preventive actions, security policies and a mixture of social, educational and other so-called flanking policies; the development of a partnership among all actors in society; the integration of crime prevention aspects into actions against crime; the further development of national crime prevention programmes. When we talk about bases of crime prevention programmes, it is important to make the point on three principles: knowledge, partnership and multi- disciplinary approach.

