
Marius Jonaitis


The former Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Lithuania did not distinguish the particularities of the procedure of certain case categories and established a uniform procedure for all civil cases. Meanwhile certain civil disputes are specific in their object, subjects, are connected with the more intensive necessity to protect public interest. The categories of cases in which certain procedural means should be applied are, for example, family and labour cases. The other category of civil disputes consists of those that as a matter of fact are less complicated, the price of the claim is usually low, in a part of them the circumstances are almost stated and clear and in fact there is no dispute between the plaintiff and the defendant. According to the reasons mentioned above it is inevitable to foresee the procedural particularities for several categories of civil disputes.
The new Code of Civil Procedure tries to remove the mentioned drawback of the former law and provides the particularities of the procedure of family, labour cases as well as the summary procedure (court order, document procedure and etc.)
The new law follows the model of social civil procedure and seeks to achieve an optimal representation of public interest and to guarantee the real equality of parties in the civil dispute. That is why the role of the court in particular cases becomes more active. For example, the role of the court hearing a family or labour case is not limited only by a resolution of a particular dispute between the parties, in those cases the society and the state are interested in forming a proper legal regulation of family and labour relations, guaranteeing a due procedure to the party which has obvious material and other disadvantages. The court hearing family disputes, has a right to exceed the requirements the plaintiff has stated in his claim, to collect evidentiary material ex officio if it is acknowledged that this is necessary to resolve the dispute fairly. The court as well has similar procedural rights when hearing labour cases as well. On the other hand, the default judgement which appears to be a new and efficient means of guaranteeing a quick procedure and preventing parties from overusing their procedural rights, is not possible in family disputes because the duty of the court consists of trying to conciliate the parties and to secure the children’s rights and interests.
The new Code of Civil procedure as well pays attention to the particularities of summary proceedings when in fact there is no dispute between the parties and the requirements stated in the claim are supported by written evidentiary material, i. e. the court order, the documental procedure and etc.
The article analyses the particularities of the procedure of the above mentioned cases in their relation with the main principles of civil procedure.

