
Audrius Bakaveckas


Taking into account the competence attributed to institutions of heads of counties, they may be considered the most important executive authorities of counties engaged in a settlement of a considerable part of problems of public life. The competence of territorial structural subdivisions of ministries, governmental institutions and other central executive authorities functioning in counties is much more narrow.
In the Article the most important territorial structures of the above-mentioned authorities that form an independent level of the system of the executive state institutions and that’s competence includes a settlement of a considerable part of public life problems at higher administrative units (counties) are analyzed. It should be noted that there are no defined general terms in respect of them: in some legal norms, the term „a head of a county“ is used, in others – „the administration of a head of a county“, „an institution of a head of a county“, „institutions of counties“ or „a county’s governing institutions“.
The Law on County Management should be improved. It should more clearly regulate the procedures and grounds of appointment and discharge of heads and deputy heads of counties, define the functions of a secretary of a county, fix forms of activities of administration of heads of counties (strategic planning and deliberation), detalize the accountability and responsibility of heads of counties.

