
Artūras Petkus


The purpose of this article is to analyze the preconditions, mechanisms of derivation and further development of criminal subculture, which were defined by correctional policy of the state, discrepancy of mentality, value of orientations of the persons leaving punishment.
This article deals with the origin and development of criminal subculture in penitentiary institutions of Lithuania. Traditions and standards of conduct of the inmates, and especially - recidivists there were adopted at convicted of Russia by Lithuanian convicted, leaving their punishments in Russian prisons after The Second world war. Repeatedly convicted to sentence of imprisonment in Lithuania, these persons the reserved informal traditions have solidified in communities of penitentiary institutions of Lithuania later.
Though is rare, but for enduring the punishment from other republics of former Soviet Union in Lithuania too sometimes there were convoyed the recidivists - keepers of criminal subculture. Thus in Lithuanian correctional prisons the criminal subculture with peculiar features, but very closely connected with penitentiary institutions of Russia developed.
Today in Lithuanian prisons exists a criminal subculture with peculiar structural essentials: informal stratification of prisoners into „casts“; informal traditions and conventions, including informal „laws“; attributive essentials of criminal subculture – speech – slang, gambles, tattoos, prisoners’ creation.
During past fifteen years a lot of things in our country have changed. Lithuanian Criminal and Penal policy were reformed according to the Lithuanian law system reform program.
Changes in policy, economics, national ideology determines changes in criminal activities and appropriate criminal subcultures. Scientific estimation of present social situation in Lithuania and historical analysis of criminal subculture affords ground for forecasting, because ground rules of relationships and all kinds of networks between convicts are immediately concerned with changes in community.
Primary researches allow making very important and valid assumption. The distribution of criminal subculture among convicted and in the society can be controlled only presenting to convicted socially acceptable alternatives. It means that one system should be superseded by other system.

