
Nijolė Janina Matulevičienė


In the present article both at theoretical and practical level the limitations on economic rights of authors for teaching, scientific research and information purposes which have been provided in Copyright and Related Rights Law of the Republic of Lithuania are being analysed. Legal origin of these limitations, conditions and features of their application, including application characteristics in digital environment are examined. These issues have not yet been discussed in the Lithuanian legal literature, therefore, the current article first of all presents the concept of the limitations on economic rights and their importance for combining the interests of the authors and the public. International agreements and the EU legal norms greatly impact legal regulation of this field. With regard to this aspect legal norms that are in force in Lithuania are analysed together with international and regional legal norms of this area. Although the Lithuanian judicial practice in this field is not abundant, the analysis made in this article leads us to a conclusion that there are some loopholes and problems of application of legal norms in terms of the legal regulation of the limitations on economic rights for teaching, scientific research and information purposes.

