
Mindaugas Kiškis Tadas Limba


The article reviews issues of current e-governance legal regulation initiatives in the Republic of Lithuania. The questions of formulation of e-governance definition, as well as equalization, peculiarities and assessment of the level of implementation of the e-government legal regulations are discussed in the article with special attention. The authors of the article suggest that the legal environment of e-governance is of crucial importance to the development of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, also, for the adaptation of the governmental bodies to the changing societal needs. The authors further argue that initial fundamental legal regulations on e-governance are of paramount importance for the subsequent legislation, as they set the pace and bases for enactment of all regulations relevant to the legal environment of the e-governance.
The authors analyze the legal acts and initiatives regulating e-governance and its institutes from a theoretical and practical perspective. In particular the authors target the Concept of E-Governance, approved by the 31th of December, 2002 Resolution of Government of Lithuanian Republic, as well as preceding legal acts of the Seimas and the Government, which currently for the core of the e-governance legal regulations in Lithuania. The above legal acts are reviewed from historical, analytical and comparative perspectives, which allow highlighting of the differences of the legal acts and inconsistencies thereof. The analytical and comparative research is done in the context of the EU countries’ legal-scientific literature on a topic of electronic governance. Such perspective suggests immediate weakness points for the current Lithuanian initiatives. In particular the article identifies the conflicting notions of the electronic governance and electronic government, which are adopted in the legislative texts, as well as inconsistencies of the measures and definitions of the e-governance development levels. Both these issues are critical for the success of the e-governance regulations.
The authors of this article suggest identifying and universalizing the premises of e-governance legal regulation, which could be the presumption for further initiatives of e-governance legal regulation.

