
Vitas Linonis Robertas Mikalauskas Linas Obcarskas


This article analyzes problems associated with police officers’ training process. There we discuss sambo wrestling positive influence on the development of physical features of police officers.
Sambo also has a positive influence onto psychophysical readiness of officers, their ability to act in extreme situations. We analyzed the last three years evolution of student sambo sport in Lithuania, compared the specificity of judo and sambo fights. We tried to prove that sambo helped to achieve better results in police officers’ professional activity. We drew a conclusion that:
1. The popularity of sambo among Lithuanian university students’ is growing. The number of competing teams and sportsmen at Lithuanian student sambo championship each eyar is increasing about 20 percent. That is because of the growing popularity of all combat sports and reasonable activity of Lithuanian student sport association and sambo federation. Nowadays 9 from 15 Lithuanian state universities have sambo teams.
2. The results of Lithuanian student sambo championship and sambo federation cup show that nowadays in Lithuania there are several teams with good sportsmen skills and competition between them increases all sambo sportsmen’s skill level.
3. Sambo competitions are also very useful for judo sportsmen. Sambo and judo have a lot of similarities and some differences. Student sambo and judo competition analysis shows that the highest results are achieved by such students who take part in both competitions.
4. Sambo competitions help police officers to achieve very important professional skills. We think that sambo is one of the best ways to train police students physically.
Police students have not only to undergo sambo trainings and study sambo techniques, but they have to take part in sport competitions too. Sambo techniques used at the time of sambo competition fights are much more important from psychological point of view than technique elements carried out during the usual training. Sambo fight is a situation similar to the real extreme situation when a police officer must act very quickly and unhesitatingly, rationally share own potential and demonstrate maximal physical efforts to achieve victory.

