
Algirdas Muliarčikas Dovydas Ivanovas Antanas Butavičius Rimantas Mikalauskas


The aim of the article was to establish the relation peculiarities between physical activity and leisure time of students’ enrolled to the Kaunas Police Faculty of the Mykolas Romeris University in the years 2002 and 2003. Questionnaire data of the students enrolled to the Kaunas Police Faculty of the Mykolas Romeris University in the years 2002 and 2003 about their physical activity in leisure time and the analysis of different attitudinal aspects to it are presented in the article. The subjects who have participated in experiment by filling in questionnaires anonymously were 346 1-st year students, 219 students in 2002 and 127 students in 2003 respectively. Merely 45,7 % of those questioned maintained that during 12 years of learning at secondary schools of general education they have acquired skills of doing physical exercises and could develop themselves physically on their own. Some 62,2 % of those questioned do physical exercises in leisure time. The basic reason for not doing exercises is the lack of time (47,5 %). The second negative reason indicated by the students is laziness (27,1 %). 38 % of would be police officers have been doing exercises for over 3 years, 31,3 % – for 2-3 years and up to 1 year – 30,4 %. The duration of exercising among the respondents is as follows: up to 10 min. – 12,6 %, 10–20 min. – 24,3 % and 30 min. or more – 63,0 %. 36,9 % have been doing exercises once or twice, 56,0 % – 3–4 times and 7,1 % – 5 or more times per week. The majorities of the students questioned have chosen or would choose running (24,4 %), weight – lifting (20,7 %) and swimming (12,9 %) exercises. A statistically reliably greater percentage of women enrolled in the Kaunas Police Faculty of the Mykolas Romeris University in 2003 (20,9 %), as compared to 2002 (57 %), pay attention to strength development by going in for weight – lifting. A relatively greater portion of respondents (38,1 %) choose the group of exercises most suitable for them, the others (22,1 %) choose paid classes in their favorite kind of sports, still others (19,9 %) choose exercises that require no expenditure. The majority of students (61,3 %, p<0,001) are of the opinion that exercising should be regular and everyone of them personally should worry about being provided suitable conditions for exercising (52,0 %, p<0,001) and only then expect support in this activity on the part of sports clubs (12,6 %) as well as the Department of Physical Education and Sport (17,6 %).

