
Alvydas Barkauskas


The article deals with the possibilities of the grooming the crime investigation officers using the problems-related contemplation methods. After the scientific legal-pedagogical and psychological literature's (edited from XIX century) analysis was made, the author comes to the conclusion the crime investigation process is gnoseological and situational-problematic one and the one of the main „actors“ in this area is the investigation officer. Only the competence to solve problematical investigation situations makes an influence to the success of crime investigation.
On purpose to manage tackling the crime investigation situations, it is essential for the officer to master sufficient knowledge of problematical contemplation and appropriate abilities or skills. The author makes a consideration, studying process can solve these goals, while the crime investigation officers are grooming. The author gives some problematical training methods in the article: situational modeling and synectic.
The author comes to these conclusions:
Problematical (exploratory) training can be effective in the grooming of investigation officers, stimulating their knowledge activeness, creativeness and self-sufficiency. It is not easy to integrate this type of training process for the following reasons:
1) only the high-competence educator, who has systematically prepared the curriculum, can realize the problematical training issue;
2) the high competence requirements have to be raised not for the lecturers only, but for the students as well. This is because the problematical (exploratory) training may be effective one only in the case of students can have appropriate knowledge degree. Otherwise - if such knowledge degree is absent, it is impossible to solve presented task correctly; there have to be enough time for the lecturing current curriculum, because of there is a need of more time input using the problematical training methods, than traditional seminars and practices.

