
Gintautas Danišauskas


The scientific works of Mykolas Rometis University have written on the police functions in the democratic society as well as discussed the question of the legal content of the services provided to the community by the police. There have also been articles which considered both the issue of providing social services by the police under the conditions of free market economy and the argument of necessity, possibilities and limits of private police.
Recently the question of the need of private police as an organization which safeguards human rights has been widely discussed.
The present study looks into the legal aspect of private police activities and functions. The article also analyzes the legal relationship of activities and functions provided by state police and private organizations which safeguard human rights.
In addition, the article discusses the concept of police functions. The question of what human rights safeguarding functions can be considered as police functions and whether private safeguarding organizations can be called private police is discussed.

