
Lina Novikovienė


Quick and comprehensive crime investigation that is claimed in the first article of Lithuanian Republic Penal Code unquestionably depends on crime prophylaxis. Pre-trial investigation institutions and officers actions should be point to crimes detection and investigation, both to it‘s prophylaxis, and to establishment of persons who are preparing, committing or committed crimes. Success of actions of pre-trial investigation officer depends very much on pre-trial investigation particularity, on trustiness of information about modus operandi and about circumstances and grounds of crime commitment.
During necessary information for investigation collecting and checking pre-trial investigation actions, are very important, both that is one of the main procedure information about courses and circumstances of crime commitment, sources. Penal procedure law doesn‘t forecast special pre-trial investigation actions that could be pointed only to establishment of determinants of crime commitment. That usually should be establishing by executing the same investigation actions that detect both others circumstances of criminal action.
Opportunities of criminalistic prophylaxis in pre-trial investigation shouldn’t limit only by establishment of causes and circumstances of criminal action commitment during pre-trial investigation actions. It is necessary to prevent the criminal action of known persons. Here penal procedure compulsory measures are important.
The main target of article is by empirical research to establish if in pre-trial investigation all opportunities of criminalistic prophylaxis are used.
For the author mentioned target such objectives are formed:
- to establish what pre-trial investigation actions and penal procedure compulsory measures in criminalistic prophylaxis implementation are in priority;
- to find out what pre-trial investigation actions are used by officers for detecting of causes and circumstances of criminal action;
- to establish what pre-trial investigation actions are used by officers for elimination of causes and circumstances of criminal action.
In the article author‘s empirical research are analyse – questionnaire, during that pre-trial investigation officers were questioned. By research should be established what pre-trial investigation actions are used by officers for detecting of causes and circumstances of criminal action, what penal procedure compulsory measures are applied for prevention of criminal actions of known person.

