
Darijus Beinoravičius


In the article taking terrorism as problems of terrorism conception are discussed legal aspect of phenomenon into consideration. In nowadays society the conception of terrorism is becoming more and more actual, we hear it on the radio, television and read in newspapers. Speaking about terrorism, all the facts are based on emotional arguments. The need of more comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon stimulates to analyze terrorism deeply, because usage of terrorism conception, not concerned to reasons of it, makes fight against terrorism as ideological tool, that makes big threat for human rights. In the article the reasons of terrorism and further tendencies of its development are analyzed.
When there is no definition of terrorism clear and acceptable for all and understanding of causal relations, arise questions about sensibility and well found of fight against terrorism. In this situation we cannot be sure, if contemporary democratic states in all cases uses right conception of terrorism and fight against terrorism not breaking human rights. Terrorism conception cannot be abstracted from revealing of causal relations.
In the article it is shown, that reasons of terrorism and other conflicts are similar, but there are different means and ways. Three of them characterize terrorism: 1) intentional usage of violence 2) directed to civilians and civil objects 3) to reach political aims. Terrorism is a result of infringement of rights’ and duties’ balance in interstate relations. Terrorism as much costing mean of fight is only one way for weaker side to show and announce their demands for stronger side of conflict, that is refusing variants of peace by compromise.
Democracy is in progress there, where it is weak and regresses there, where it was strong. Liberating new world democratic states society more and more express interests, and clan of old democracies’ oligarchs do not want to let them have influence – “trusteeship” – of their zones of economical interest. Then raises conflicts, that there are no reason for oligarch and economical and military stronger states to find compromises to find conclusion, and the states, that are not able to defend their interests in open processes are left only radical methods of fight, that at first distinguishes their conditional cheapness and great psychological influence. This is a reason why terrorism, that is one of means of fight to defend rights and interests, is becoming so popular in the world. In the article universal conception of terrorism, that is reasonable for Old world states is criticized, that names themselves developed, that need to justify themselves to control and interfere to third world constant wars, suppress them and never and this process.

