
Stasys Vėlyvis Henrikas Šadžius


The article reviews the development of the ideas of the family law in the years of the national regeneration and primary period of the independence renewal; political, economical, social and psychological factors influenced the formation of family relations. According to the laws, the article shows how the ideas of the modern family law were crystallized in the projects of Lithuania’s Constitution, in the laws of the Supreme Soviet and Governance. The activity of the working group related to the new Marriage and family code preparation is analyzed. It was agreed that in the years of the laws creation of the family relations was done a great job, which was very important from the point of the creation of the current family law model in Lithuania.
In the years of reconstruction and national regeneration by creation Constitution’s projects and laws the simulation of the political, social and cultural life of the state was done together with a future of Lithuania. The laws were accepted in the years 1988–1989 improved the women working conditions, increased the support of the state and society to the families. Solving of family problems accelerated the reconstruction processes in Lithuania.
In retrospect, the primary way of the law reform helps to disclose some achievements having influence for institutionalize the political system of former years as well as by claiming primary rules of current family law. Even a new code of Marriage was not yet done, but the accepted laws helped to create the current model of the family law.

