
Vladas Rimkus


After restoration of independence of Lithuania process of political and economic reforms started, one of its parts was endeavour for integration into the World Trade Organization in order to provide conditions for stable and reliable foreign trade policy, confidence of foreign trade partners and investors. Membership in this organization is the basis for trade liberalization which means both obligations of Lithuania and respective safeguard and guarantees in foreign trade as all members of WTO should adjust national legal acts regulating foreign trade and its policy with provision of WTO treaties and observe them strictly.
Adjusting Lithuanian laws in market safeguard sphere with GATT provisions and EU laws three laws - Anti-dumping Law, Law on Countervailing Duties and Law on Safeguard Measures – were adopted.
Anti-dumping measures are the most widely applied measures of market safeguard in the world. Countervailing measures are rarely applied, as it is difficult to substantiate product subsidisation, investigations are expensive. Practice of market safeguard measures in Lithuania corresponds to world tendencies entirely.
Anti-dumping measures were applied in four cases, safeguard – once, countervailing measures have been never applied. Number of requests to apply trade safeguard measures was much greater, however, because of various reasons investigations never started. Often such requests lack proofs or show insufficient proofs to start an investigation. Some initiated investigations were reasonably suspended. The article considers in detail legal acts providing for certain market safeguard measures, analyses circumstances of their implementation.
While implementing market safeguard measures it is worth to remember interests of customers. Introduction of duties cause expensiveness of goods, thus affects customer interests. Therefore, loss of customers shall be taken into account while implementing market safeguard measures. This should be treated carefully in study of quicklime and portland cement cases. Cheapness of cement and quicklime in neighbouring countries is conditioned by cheapness of power resources there.
Independent duties policy of Lithuania continued until membership in EU. After joining the EU Lithuania is obliged to observe European Community incorporation agreement stating that the Community bases on duties union covering all trade, relations with third parties are subject to unified tariff. As Community legal acts came in force in market safeguard sphere, procedure of safeguard measures implementation, decision-making and institutions changed. These changes give rise to new requirements to country specialists responsible for safeguard of domestic market.

