
Alfonsas Laurinavičius


Social processes that occur during the integration into the European Community are no less complex than the reestablishment of the State after the restoration of the Independence. Nobody argues that an impetus which motivates civilized population to improve a common well- being is a goal perceived as an important social value. One of the goals formulated by human theory is a concept, which reflects a philosophy of public administration improving.
The goal of the article is to spotlight the implantation of standards of the European political and cultural traditions in improving of administration of state services. On the basis of sociological research, the author attempts to answer one of the questions of internal administration of statutory services: what kind of changes occurred in terms of attitude of civil servants towards their own work during the last 3 years? On the basis of analysis of legal regulation of statutory services there appears a hypothesis that it needs
improvement because statutes and other legal acts of services are not in a complete compliance with standards of democratic Europe. This hypothesis is also based on the sociological research carried out by the author.
The research on the improvement of the statutory services done by the author is more quantitative, and the received data have to be given sense by a scientific analysis of the practical activities. Therefore, the conclusions suggest hypotheses-topics for a further scientific discussion. All agree that the main goal of the improvement of the state administration is the successful realisation of standards of European political and cultural traditions. However, taking over of standards of state services of old European Union member states is quite a difficult task. Theoretical and practical experience of the public administration warns that changes in the society come very slowly and rather painfully. Therefore, according to the author, when discussing issues of statutory services management there is a need to touch the following aspects:
• It is scientifically proved that informal regulations and culture change more slowly than the formal ones, and usually these formal regulations are reformulated, that is why external introduction of common formal regulations may cause very different outcome. Therefore, tendencies that emerge on the basis of research show that there is an intriguing possibility for scientific analysis: we can not expect considerable changes by analysing of the situation in terms of standards of the Western Europe political and cultural traditions, but quite easily we can reveal and explain problems of administration of the public relations. It is a topicality, which can be referred to as “a need for a life law“. I.e., that an internal management of statutory services has to be improved by joint scientific and practical forces so that the preconditions are created for the statutory services and people that work there to absorb new requirements of the being- together.
• When evaluating a situation that exists among officers of different ranks in statutory services, we can recall another proposition, presented by an English philosopher and economist J. S. Mill, which says that interests and rights of a person are not ignored only when an interested person is able, willing, and used to defending them. From the evil done by others people are safe only as much as they have powers (legal, moral, psychological, etc.) to defend themselves and are able to do that. Therefore, we have to answer the questions if officers of statutory services have enough possibilities to realise their needs, whether it is proper to consider problems of internal management of professional formations unimportant to the society or it is necessary to acknowledge their right to make use of all possible social and economic rights, which are available for civil servants.
• By this short paper nobody was supposed to be blamed or defended. The problems presented in the article are an object of the discussion. These problems have to be approached as a practice dictated caution. This met the conditions of our study, which attempted to reveal some problems of personnel management in statutory services which are, in the author’s point of view, very important in the light of positive changes to be achieved in the state.

