
Rytis Krasauskas


This article analyses fixation of policy of the Tripartite Council of Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – Lithuanian Tripartite Council) in the article deals with legal preconditions for the activity and ambit of the Lithuanian Tripartite Council, which was established on the fifth of May of 1995, in Lithuania. The rules, which are included in the main laws of the international community, the laws of Lithuania and triangular agreements among the representatives of the employers, representatives of employees and the government of the Republic of Lithuania, are analyzed as well.
This article analyses the Convention of International Labour Organisation (hereinafter ILO) No. 144 „Establishment of tripartite machinery to promote the implementation of international labour standards” (hereinafter – ILO convention No. 144), which was adopted in 1976, (ILO convention No. 144 was validated by the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania on the 23’d of June, 1994) and draws the conclusion, that in Lithuania as well as in every other state, the member of ILO the standing tripartite commission should be established.
The author analyses legal preconditions of institutionalization of tripartite partnership. There are presented stages of the development of legal preconditions: 1) rudiment of the tripartite partnership; 2) fixation of policy of the Lithuanian Tripartite Council in the triangular agreements among the representatives of the employers, representatives of employees and the government of the Republic of Lithuania; 3) fixation of policy of the Lithuanian Tripartite Council in the legislation of The Republic of Lithuania.
The mane point of this article is to look if the legal preconditions for the activity and ambit of the Lithuanian Tripartite Council, which are enforced in Lithuanian laws, are good enough to make real influence in the regulation of labour relationship.

