
Saulius Mulevičius Darius Petrošius


There in the article it is reviewed the theme which is not investigated in the operational activities theory, though, the need of such a research is obvious not only in the theory but in the practical operational subjects activities also, trying to guarantee human rights protection at most.
Though, the first scientific researches in this field were fixed in the last hundred-year-old 7-8th decade, now they have lost their meaning. The fatal influence had totally changed social, economical relations and essential inadequacies in operational activities realization in democratic and total state. The scientific ethnic moral operational activities aspects research which were investigated as far as Lithuanian independence restoration, were superficial, because operational activities were secret, regulated by secret under-law departmental standard acts, which often objected to main human rights and freedom.
Ethics and moral questions in operational activities are extremely important, because it is a specific activity, especially in the struggle of criminality. Realizing operational activities problems there are used secret nature methods of picking information, which let to get the information against it’s owner’s will (fraud), the secret operations and operational combinations are proceeded. Is it valid of the standpoint of ethics and moral? On the other side, many people confess that if one wants to get significant research to reveal the criminals, one has to use operational activities opportunities. Where is the fatal limit in the operational activities between moral and immoral, between ethical and unethical, between good and bad?
The authors of the article do not pretend to investigate that fatal limit, some investigated questions are debatable standpoint, however, the attention is paid to some existing urgent problems.

