
Janina Juškevičiūtė


Criminal investigation is a complex cognitive process in which an investigator follows a multiple logical chain from the unknown to the known. Nowadays every cognitive activity is based on technical and academic background. Successful crime prevention, quick and exhaustive crime detection is impossible without technical, natural and other scientific achievements, i.e. without use of special knowledge.
Since May 1, 2003 a new Criminal Procedure Code has come into force and it defines a new regulation for the special knowledge use in crime investigation, though the same special knowledge providers have been suggested: experts and specialists.
Exact and clear definition of special knowledge application in Criminal Procedure Code shows a complicated situation in practice of crime investigation and protects human and citizen rights during a criminal process. Criminal Procedure Code of May 1, 2003, has extended a specialist’s role that is one of the special knowledge providers in a criminal process
Scientific and technical achievements are applied in all human activities and in crime investigation as well, thus, it is not surprising to find a specialist in Criminal Procedure Code. The article describes specialist development in Lithuanian Criminal Procedure. Division into periods of specialist development has been suggested.

