
Hendryk Malevski


The research analyses the upraise reasons and grounds of new institute of the Penal Code of Lithuania – „investigation of crime scene“.
Crime scene examination as one of the most important procedural actions of crime investigation always was in a view of scientists and practicians. Specialists of criminalistic and penal procedure paid a lot of attention for this action. There was noticed after some time that traditional conception of a crime scene examination doesn‘t fit demands of practice and blocks the implement of modern scientific and technical ideas and technologies in the crime investigation processes.
The attitudes of old conceptions, consolidated in the old Penal code, accented the common organizational and fixative aspects of crime scene examination. Meanwhile the demands of practice required to start implementation of the modern instrumental methods and technologies on crime scene. Such the modern methods and technologies let quickly and trustfully to receive information and investigate it, create beneficent circumstances for establishment of circumstances of crime, to use information in crime investigation with expedition.
Methodological grounds of crime scene investigation conception were created already in 1997, and in 2003, then the new Penal Code started to be in force, legal base for implementation of such new methodises in practice up started. We should indicate, that because of existing organisational and others problems this procedural action isn‘t effectively used during crime investigation.
The main idea of our supposed conception is that in present situation crime scene investigation could be of three levels:
- investigation of separate crime scene element;
- investigation of local crime scene structure;
- investigation of crime scene situation.

