
Lina Novikovienė


Different information could be received during accomplishment of experts’ examination, such an information is important both for averment of crime composition, for solution of other important question of investigation as establishment of circumstances caused crime commitment.
Measures and methods of experts (specialist)’ prophylactic activity could be part of experts’ examination process (in pre–trial investigation), and it could be the element of self– contained prophylactic activity that is accomplishing by expert criminalistic institution.
Expert (specialist)’ activity in a field of crime prophylaxis could run in different aspects. It could be establishment of circumstances caused crime commitment, or statement of particular mechanism’ disadvantages, or arrangement of prophylactic recommendations, or methodical, scientific, investigative work, and etc.
Importance of experts’ prophylaxis is pointed in scientific literature quite long time ago, but current experts’ prophylactic activity doesn’t fit modern demands and doesn’t use all its opportunities. Whereas pre–trial investigators not enough evaluate opportunities of experts’ prophylaxis, there is no legal regulation of such an activity, experts themselves don’t show initiative, experts’ knowledge about objectives, trends and other of prophylactic activity isn’t enough, there is objective demand of bigger attention to theory and practical problems of experts’ prophylaxis.
The main task of research is to reveal opportunities of experts’ prophylaxis and evaluate practice of its realisation in the main expert institutions of Lithuania.
Objectives of the research:
- to accomplish an analysis of experts‘ prophylaxis opportunities in crime investigation practice; - to establish what ways of experts’ prophylaxis are underlying in their practical work by results of the empirical research (interview);
- to evaluate effectiveness of implement of experts (specialists)’ prophylaxis in their practical work and offer how improve such an activity.
The article represents analysis of the author‘s accomplished empirical research (interview), during that experts (specialists) working in Lithuanian Forensic Examination Centre and Lithuanian Police Criminalistic Examination Centre were interviewed. 74 experts (specialists) took part in the research. The Interview was used with purpose to establish opinion concerning role of expert (specialist) in crime prophylaxis field of experts (specialists) working in experts institutions.

