
Algimantas Urmonas


This article seeks to reveal the consequences of social alterations to the administrative law.
The first problem is the conception of social alterations and their connections with administrative law.
Social alterations necessarily dictate the pulse to the administrative law. Administrative law has to use the methods of social sciences and determine the real working of the rule of law in order to step with changes of society and to reflect the dynamics of social reality. It is necessary to diagnose social alterations and to predict changes. Then we can see clear vision of the norm of administrative law, which regulate one or another public relation.
The second investigative problem of this article brings for discussion, whether social alterations in Lithuania reveal and „direct“ the social alterations where it is necessary: to the management of system of laws and other normative acts or law systems.
There is no effective system of drafting qualitative normative acts and their supervision in Lithuania. That is why citizens do not take part in the drafting procedure of normative acts, they are rather passive, moreover, we can notice the intensification of administrative supervision, the aggressive intervention of state servants into the private business in order to gather the taxes. This sort of legal circumstances drives people into desperation. It is a shame that the normative act could be rearranged several times a month. It is possible to state, that this sort of practice weakens almost the most important element of the enactment – its‘ direct regulative normative power.
Administrative law can not exist solely but it has to cooperate with other sciences – law and other social sciences. Administrative law has a direct access the almost all spheres of human life. That is why it is necessary to diagnose in time social alterations and to evaluate them. For this purpose social researches exist, which can help to manage and to predict the efficiency of the enactment.
The third investigative problem of this article reveals the evolution of the administrative law. The administrative law will be able to perform its functions, if the changes of social circumstances will be accepted. For instance, the new normative acts can improve the business regulative circumstances or create negative conditions for one and positive conditions for the others. In this way administrative law on the basis of control of constitutional principles (8, p. 100–110) has to react strategically to the changes of surroundings. It has to evaluate newly and flexibly model its’ functions, which embody the application of legal regulation means and methods from the origins of legal regulation mechanisms.
The fourth problem of the article provides an analysis of factors, which determine the lag of administrative law theoretics in Lithuania. From the side of management arrangement of enactments, legislation and implementation of normative acts can be evaluated as the solid system of legal regulation, to which it is applied an experience of management systems. Efficient management will use social regularities, model the decisions of management, seek certain results, which are significant for the society. If we take the arrangement of enactments, legislation and implementation of normative acts as the solid system of legal regulation, it is possible to think, that this system must have one common systematic purpose, on basis of which it can be managed.

