
Eduardas Vaitkevičius Sigitas Sinkevičius


As in other countries in Lithuania the State regulates the disposition of arms by individual and juridical persons. The main normal act ascertaining the order of gaining and disposition of arms is the Law of arms and ammunition control of Lithuania Republic (further – The Law of arms and ammunition control). In authors’ opinion criterions enumerated in this act, by which the circulation of arms assigned for hunting, sport and self – defence is regulated, are insufficient. For this reason very dangerous arms causing serious problems for national security get into the circulation. In our country restrictions of the circulation of specific arms models are determined according decisions of Experts’ committee formed on the base of the decision of Government of Lithuania Republic (further – Experts’ committee) for models of objects, equipment for arms and the ascription of its specific category. In the article attention turned to the fact, that this committee ascribing arms to specific category bases on formal criterions and doesn’t estimate its purpose. Experts’ committee for the specific character of its activity can’t investigate and estimate arms that are supposed to make or to import to Lithuania and doesn’t able to regulate civil arms circulation in the proper way. It was made proposition to establish special institution authorized by Government and having respective material basis. Its task would be to examine every arm model that supposed to make or to import to Lithuania and to provide conclusion if specific model arms meet requirements for arms assigned for hunting, sport and self – defence ant to determine the restrictions of its circulation.

